Home Top Sellers JVZoo Top Sellers – 9 February 2016

JVZoo Top Sellers – 9 February 2016



In this video you’ll find out which product everyone is buying to get an unfair advantage over you. Let’s have a look inside the topsellers list for today.

With over 2000 products sold on the front end within the first hours of the launch, YouZign 2.0 marketed by Martin Crumlish achieves a conversion rate of 25%, that’s 1 out of 4 people that are checking out the offer, are buying! EPC is at about $6.5 this product turns out to be, yet again, a big success on JVZoo.

Adventure Path Books by Ron McGough has sold over 500 products and achieves an amazing 16.06% conversion and an EPC of $1.59. Adventure Path Books are books that are created using a certain hidden technology that is built right into Kindle. This hidden technology allows you to create eBooks that have different story paths for the reader to follow. Ron teaches you how you can earn big bucks, making these yourself, but ya better hurry because this offer ends in a day, so check it out quick!

Lastly, we see WordPress Proficom PRO that being marketed by Cyril Gupta and Han Fan. It’s sold over 250 products and is achieving a conversion rate of nearly 8% and an EPC of $1.64 at the moment. Proficom gives you the combined power of a powerful e-commerce automation plugin along with the unique ProfiAds method that enables you to earn top dollars every day from your own eCom store. With proficom you can find the real HIDDEN gems from AliExpress and Ebay and sell them within a matter seconds.

And that concludes today’s top sellers. Make sure you sign up for our daily news and we’ll make sure it lands straight into your inbox.

Top Sellers Today  
YouZign 2.0 Bertrand Diouly & Martin Crumlish 2,000+ 25.08% $6.67 3,000+
Adventure Path Books Ron McGough 500+ 16.06% $1.59 500+
WP Proficom PRO Cyril Gupta 250+ 7.76% $1.64 250+
Top Seller Past 7 Days
ReClick App  Precious Ngwu 3,000+ 10.22% $2.77 4,000+
Top Sellers Past 30 Days
CrazyKala  Jimmy kim 3,000+ 9.93% $2.68 4,000+
Broad Targeting Formula 2.0 Brad Stephens 2,500+ 11.02% $3.30 2,500+
Source: JVZoo


Adventure Path Books by Ron McGough has sold over 500 products and achieves an amazing 16.06% conversion and an EPC of $1.59. Adventure Path Books are books that are created using a certain hidden technology that is built right into Kindle. This hidden technology allows you to create eBooks that have different story paths for the reader to follow. Ron teaches you how you can earn big bucks, making these yourself, but ya better hurry because this offer ends in a day, so check it out quick!


we see WordPress Proficom PRO that being marketed by Cyril Gupta and Han Fan. It’s sold over 250 products and is achieving a conversion rate of nearly 8% and an EPC of $1.64 at the moment. Proficom gives you the combined power of a powerful e-commerce automation plugin along with the unique ProfiAds method that enables you to earn top dollars every day from your own eCom store. With proficom you can find the real HIDDEN gems from AliExpress and Ebay and sell them within a matter seconds.

WP Proficom gives you the combined power of a powerful e-commerce automation plugin along with the unique ProfiAds method that enables you to scale your sales to thousands of dollars every day.


CrazyKala is the World’s Best Graphic Designing Suite which create sleek beautiful designs, stunning graphics, presentations and visually appealing images.

Fully featured & Easiest drag drop graphic editor which creates professional designs and layouts within minutes.

download (1)

ReClick is the first ever cloud marketing software that uses behavior-monitoring engine and customer-driven funnels technology to acquire customers.

With ReClick, you will discover:

  • >How to grow massive email list in days by converting 3x way beyond the industry average of 20%, we’re seeing upwards of 70% conversions on lead capture pages.
  • >How to took a failing campaign and turned into a $3.5k per day profit monster with a single line code produced with ReClick.
  • >Why we stopped wasting time with heat map, analytics and split testing tools that just end up smacking you with a bunch of data and exactly what we’re using right now to rain profits in our campaigns.


CrazyKala is the World’s Best Graphic Designing Suite which create sleek beautiful designs, stunning graphics, presentations and visually appealing images.

Fully featured & Easiest drag drop graphic editor which creates professional designs and layouts within minutes.


Broad Targeting Formula 2.0 is a continuation of version one that was released last year and picked up by some of the biggest Facebook affiliates because the content is incredible. It’s a video training series on how Jeremy Salem uses extremely unique and alternative methods of finding the best interests for any niches.

Inside Broad Targeting Formula 2.0, you’ll discover:

>The secret FREE data source that reveals drool-worthy sick interests that’ll yield killer ads for you.

>Awesome ultra-passionate interests you can target like what your audience:

  • Watches.
  • Reads.
  • Websites they visit.
  • What they buy.
  • Membership they pay for.
  • Software they pay for.
  • Associations they’re a member of.
  • Conferences they attend.
  • and So much more.